Jules Explains it All

Julian. 90's kid. Borderline. He/him. Multi.


Hi, everyone. My name is Julian and I'm a 90s kid.When people ask me to describe myself, I usually say I'm a Taylor Swift record personified—I'm “deeply weird, feverishly emotional, and wildly enthusiastic.”I'm very passionate about mental health awareness, pop culture, and writing. I used to be a total K-pop anti, but changed my mind when I saw Choi Yeonjun of TOMORROW X TOGETHER for the first time. I'm also into country music, pop punk, and J-pop.When I'm not writing, I spend time with my mother and my turtle, whom I named Baby. I also like to act, read, and sing.And that's the 411. (IYKYK.)


In May 2015, I was diagnosed with a severe mental illness known as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).Since then, I've made it my mission to raise awareness for mental health. I've given interviews for print, radio, and TV where I talked about what living with BPD is actually like—at least for me. In my own small way, I hope to help end the stigma surrounding mental illness.If you want to find out what life as a Borderline is like for me, the interviews I did are the best place to start. Here they are.

I also did an interview with a website called Hello Doctor. You can find the feature they did on me here.If you want to learn more about BPD itself, check out About BPD - Mind or BPD Awareness. Their content is informative and easy to read.

BPD looks different on everyone. My description of life with BPD may not be the same as someone else's, even if that person has it too. Bottom line, it's hard to live with something like this, and I'm doing my absolute best to get by every day. Please be kind to me, even if or when you don't think I deserve kindness.Thank you.


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